*New Songs*
Where were you when I cried? Where
were you when I broke? Where were you
when darkness spoke so loudly that it drowned every ounce of light? Where were you when mountains fell on top of
my soul? Where were you when I couldn’t
go on anymore? Where were you when I
couldn’t sing? Where were you when I
couldn’t breathe? You were wiping my
tears when I cried. You picked up the
pieces as I broke, even though I didn’t know.
You were the strength holding me tight in the darkness. You kept the mountains from crushing me
completely. You carried me when I
couldn’t go on. You sang over me when I
couldn’t. You breathed everlasting life
into my lungs when I couldn’t breathe for myself. You are I AM.
I see what You have done. I ask for more. I fail to recognize the glory of You, Daddy. I often forget those daily
small gifts, forgetting completely to praise and thank You for those
things. I keep asking for signs of Your
love when it’s already surrounding me. I
fail to praise You for those mountains that continually shine Your face and
glory and help. Those skies full of
blue, clouds drifting on Your very breath.
Those drops of water that rain from the heavens, pounding praise onto
the earth, praise for You. The trees bending and bowing
to Your very will, fluid with grace and humility, rustling Your goodness. The songs of delight that the birds announce
to You, their Maker. The grace of the horse
running its adoration through meadows green.
I lift these hands. My soul smiles at You, Jesus. Smiles with grateful and a small bit of understanding that this change is many, many moments. Not just one earth-shattering moment. But many earth-shattering, heart-breaking, grace-giving moments. And I breathe. Breathe in Your presence and love and a new song sings.
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